

Medical Marijuana – the Natural Alternative

Medical marijuana is catching on in Florida.  We are now well past 130,000 patients on the registry and it is predicted there will eventually be over 400,000 patients using cannabis in Florida. We have been getting great results with chronic pain patients- back pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, severe arthritis. These folks […]

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Lifting the Veil

Florida now has over 100,000 patients who are on the state registry to use medical marijuana (cannabis) and that number is rapidly rising. Considering the lack of support from organized medicine and efforts within the federal and state to derail the movement, the public has discovered that cannabis is, in […]

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Florida Recreational Adult Use Marijuana/Cannabis

Two years ago after a super majority vote, Florida joined many other states (now 32) by mandating a medical marijuana program. Two years and several lawsuits later, the program is up and running with over 175,000 patients registered medical cannabis patients. It is predicted that this number will eventually grow […]

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Contemplating Cannabis

Less than a year ago, I quit my anesthesia job and started Better Health (now Dr Bob’s) Compassion Clinic.  I have become more convinced than ever before that this phenomena of medical cannabis is helping many, many, Floridians and is only going to get bigger.  The medical cannabis program is […]

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Alzheimer’s and Cannabis

Alzheimer’s disease a progressive deterioration of the brain and is one of the most frustrating diseases that medicine deals with. While we know a little bit about it, there is no way to prevent it and no cure has been found.  About one out of 10 people will develop Alzheimer’s […]

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Cannabis – Cancer Cure?

Lymphoma, leukemia and multiple myeloma are cancers of the blood. According to the National Foundation for Cancer Research, more than 1.2 million are either living with or in remission from a blood cancer. They account for 10% of new cancer cases in the US each year. The good news is […]

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Myth-busting Medical Marijuana

Several months ago, I was scheduled to do anesthesia for a young man having a spinal cord stimulator placed in his spine. He was around 40 years old.  What started his problem was back pain. He had been through chiropractic care, epidural steroid injections and multiple medications including Percocet, gabapentin and […]

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Opioid Crisis

Florida governor Rick Scott recently signed a Bill HB21 which will make it more difficult for some physicians to prescribe narcotics to certain patients. Specifically, this new law limits prescription of schedule 2 narcotics (OxyContin, Percocet, dilaudid, morphine, methadone and fentanyl plus some others) for acute pain to 3 days […]

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Sobriety and Medical Cannabis

Medical marijuana (cannabis) is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, being first legalized in California in 1996 and now available in 29 states. It’s becoming ever clearer to many physicians that it is a very effective medicine that can be used for chronic pain, control of seizures, anorexia, […]

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Medical Marijuana in Florida


Marijuana has been used as an effective and safe medicine for thousands of years in almost all civilizations including the USA. At that time, aspirin, opium, and cocaine were being discovered and touted as better drugs. There was also a financial incentive to outlaw the plant by factory owners who […]

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